A Network of Experts

A Network of Experts

Publica Virtú has pioneered a ‘netcentric’ approach to Smart Public Service that offers an
unrivaled network of experts; most are ‘formers’ who are used to big issues, speaking truth to
power, and keeping top secrets.

Our ‘trusted’ network includes

  • HR Directors for CIA, NSA, other Intel agencies
  • Cybersecurity experts from DHS, NSA,
  • Leadership ‘gurus’ from NSA, CIA, FEI
  • HR policy officials OPM and OMB
  • Mayors, county administrators, city managers
  • Officials from DOD, other national security agencies
  • Chief HR Officers from Federal, state agencies
  • HR experts from academe, contractors, consultants
  • Nat’l Academy of Public Administration Fellows, staff
  • Major government ‘think tanks’ and non-profits
  • Journalists and reporters in all of these areas